Pre-Arrival Learning
For International Students
PAL is the missing piece in International Education

Pre-Arrival Learning
For International Students
PAL is the missing piece in International Education

Proud Supporter of CAPS-I since 2013
English Assessment
Knowing a student’s language level prior to arrival ensures you can time table them accurately, create a smooth arrival experience and increase chances students will get the courses like like.
The Vital English Placement Test covers Reading, Writing, Listening, Grammar and Vocabulary. Results are available instantly, uploaded to TrueNorth or StudyAdmin.
- DEI compliant (2023 Report available)

To greatly decrease administration at your end we are fully integrated with TrueNorth.
Vital English downloads student details directly from your TrueNorth account, ensures students complete their assessment and automatically uploads their results to TrueNorth.
- English results converted to your specific Province-levels
- Vital Math results from grade 2 to 12
Testing international teenagers, a-synchronously in their home country, without parental or agent supervision, in a timely manner, at a reasonable price, is complex and multi-faceted.
However, since 2010, Vital English has successfully tested over 80,000 international students before arriving in Canada.
- 95% Test Completion Rate
- 99% Student Satisfaction
- Timely and Friendly student & admin support

Cost Recovery
Recruitment & Peace of Mind
How can PAL benefit your school?
Reliable Test
Over 55,000 students have been successfully tested for Listening, Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Covers pre-arrival, airport arrival, town, school, academics, accommodation and Culture. Students are tested on all subjects.
Students & teachers have access to over 60 hours of General Vocabulary and Science and Math Terminology.
Students and administration have full support from our friendly Helpdesk.
Weekly reporting to keep you up to date on test results.
PAL will be branded and customized to your school or school district.
Our platform is fully responsive and can be studied on any laptop, desktop, tablet and phone (iOS and Android).
Many international students come from China, which presents unique challenges for internet accessibility. All PAL software works in China.
Vital English manages the whole student process, right through from activation to completion.